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Thursday 3 January 2013

Our January Challenge- Time Travel

Hello there, so sorry to be posting this late, but we're thinking our New Bear Resolution may be to embrace 'better late than never' mantras or excuses.

For our January challenge, we have decided to go a little more contemporary than our usual classics. Moving forward into a New Year means moving forward in our book choice.

But, just to be a little subversive, our challenge is going to be all about looking back; we thought, as the New Year comes, people's thoughts turn to the past, what has come and gone, what they've succeeded or failed at, what they would go back and change.... So with this in mind, we came up with a book we enjoyed a while back,

The Time Traveller's Wife, by Audrey Niffeneger. We read this book some time back, and absolutely loved the concept of travelling through time. We think Amazon's synopsis is better than anything we can write, so here it is:

This is the extraordinary love story of Clare and Henry who met when Clare was six and Henry was thirty-six, and were married when Clare was twenty-two and Henry thirty. Impossible but true, because Henry suffers from a rare condition where his genetic clock periodically resets and he finds himself pulled suddenly into his past or future. In the face of this force they can neither prevent nor control, Henry and Clare's struggle to lead normal lives is both intensely moving and entirely unforgettable.

Our challenge is

Create a project, either a journal page, ATC, card, tag, anything else that takes your fancy.....

There are so many directions to take with this challenge, you could base your creation on travelling back in time, or forward, you could illustrate what you would change in the past, what you would do again, a favourite time in your past, or something you've learnt from the past.

Alternatively, you could imagine travelling to the future, your wishes, or what you imagine the future holds.

Yet another idea would be to illustrate a quote from the book, or journal what Clare feels with all the strange comings and goings of Henry over the years, seeing him at different ages throughout her childhood must have been extremely confusing.

What about Henry, all of those sudden transportations, losing his clothing along the way, having to extricate himself from some embarrassing or potentially life threatening situations, how on earth must he feel, trying to win Clare's trust, and eventually her love and loyalty over her childhood years, until their eventual 'first' meeting, years later for Clare.

This book is just perfect for journalling, not only for the endless ideas it brings up, but just because it really is such an intriguing read, if you've not read it yet, we thoroughly recommend it.

We can't wait to start out challenge piece, and will keep the challenge open until the last day in January, so as to allow time to join in.

We hope you'll play along with us in our first challenge of 2013.

With love from the bears.


  1. Oh that's a tough one. I loved the book, but wouldn't know where to start illustrating it. It's going to need some thought.

    (Are you feeling better now?)

  2. Getting better thank you very much. You know, when we post these challenges we actually have no idea what we'll do either! It makes it more fun! Or something. ;)

  3. Glad to know you're improving. Can I be really cheeky and ask you if you would like to join in with a little challenge that I do elsewhere? With the new year, Trillian has posted the list of words for the next session of Every Inchie Monday. It truly is a 'little' challenge, trying to fit a theme into just a square inch of art. But it's huge fun and we'd love you to join us. If you have the time.

  4. Brilliant idea for a challenge at the turning of the year when we all think forwards and backwards (have the perfect quote in mind already!!)... And I don't think you should apologise for being late, given your amazing December blogging record! Happy New Year, bears!
    Alison x

  5. I haven't read this book and will go and get it on my Kindle. Sounds intriguing. Glad you are feeling better. Ali x

  6. I've done a journal page about it. I really liked the book, so I couldn't resist. It's here.

    1. AJ we're so sorry, we forgot our link, honestly, we'd forget our paws if they weren't attached. If you'd like to add your link above you should now be able to. :)

  7. Couldn't get the book on my Kindle, so bought a 2nd hand one instead. It has just arrived, and will be reading the first part later to get some inspiration. Ali x

  8. I have just linked up. Loving the book (thank you for introducing me to it) and many people are saying I should watch the film. Ali x

  9. I have just linked up. Thank you for introducing me to the book - it is brilliant. Want to watch the film as well.

    1. We preferred the book but did enjoy the film too, we definitely think you need to have read the book before watching the film, but maybe that's just because we always have trouble working out what's going on in films anyway!

  10. The book is great, the film OK but a bit disappointing if you had already read the book, An intriguing challenge. I am joining u very late but might see if I can find a little time. Could do with being chronologically challenged myself.......

    1. Welcome, the more the merrier. We're not overly strict on our time scales and were a little last minute ourselves last month.

  11. Hi Bears! I made it this time - butterfly guilted me into it :-) But it's lovely to take part cos I just love your blog....

    1. And an update - I just bought the book in the local Age UK shop so I shall be reading it tonight. All night long if I am anything like butterfly.....

  12. What a beautiful book this was ... sadly I did read it after seeing the film, so I wasn't disappointed in the story at all. I won't be able to take part in the challenge, but I have loved the interpretations I have seen, and find the quotes especially poignant!

  13. I hope I'm not too late, have just posted my entry xx

    1. Hooray another entrant, never too late, at least not until mr. linky disappears. :)


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